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80% is a big number. Unfortunately, it stands for the percentage of people who will give up on enthusiastic and aspirational resolutions of getting fit and losing weight even before the end of January. Less than a month into a new year and many have already called it quits. Reaching weight loss goals is a challenge, but achievable if you take one step at a time and make small changes to your lifestyle for lasting results. And remember that any goal worth achieving requires motivation, patience and hard work.

Here are TEN of The Karina Method’s Top Tips to help you finally make it well into February with your lofty health resolutions:


Intermittent fasting can give your metabolism a boost, increase fat loss and preserve lean body mass, which can support weight loss. A 16+ hour fast is the easiest way to ease into a fasting and/or a new eating pattern. After dinner, don’t eat again until around lunch the next day. There you go – you’ve just experienced the 16/8 fasting pattern. This pattern is simple, you feel great during the fast and it’s easy to do again. Try adding this type of fasting pattern to your lifestyle 2-3 times a week. For more detailed information on intermittent fasting,check out my full haute blog article: https://www.karinaheinrich.com/haute-blog/2018/7/29/karinas-how-to-rock-intermittent-fasting-guide


Cardio exercises can help you burn more calories and increase your weight loss quickly. Power walking, jogging, boxing, biking and swimming are just a few forms of cardio that can boost weight loss. Remember, to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. Adding 30 minutes of cardio and weight training a few times a week (the more days, the better!) can go a long way.


It’s commonly recommended to drink around eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day - staying hydrated is beyond important. Did you know even mild dehydration can impair energy levels, mood, memory and brain performance? Drinking plenty of water helps with digestion, complexion and weight loss. Water can increase satiety and boost your metabolic rate. The timing is important too, and drinking water half an hour before meals is the most effective. It can make you feel more full, so that you eat fewer calories.


What you choose to eat for breakfast can alter your entire day. An optimal breakfast choice can determine if you’ll feel full until lunch or crave unnecessary snacks. A high-protein breakfast may aid weight loss by reducing cravings and your appetite. Protein keeps you feeling full longer!

A Few Easy Great Options:

  • Eggs make a great, high-protein breakfast. (Egg whites are almost pure protein)

  • Shakes: 1-2 scoops of protein powder, frozen berries, water (be careful what you add in – calories can get out of control when you’re adding lots of coconut water, tons of fruits, almond milk)

  • Plain Greek Yogurt: Add in seeds and berries


Eating foods high in fiber can help you eat less, reduce your appetite and feel full longer. It’s up to you to make sure your daily meals are filled with lots of high fiber foods like vegetables (especially greens), fruits (berries!), nuts and seeds, whole grains and legumes. By increasing your fiber, you may be able to decrease your caloric intake and this can support your weight loss efforts.


You should always pass on processed foods, especially when you are trying to eat healthier and lose the extra weight. Processed foods are chalked full of added salt, fat, sugar and unfulfilling calories. These bad-for-your-health foods include cookies, baked goods, chips, candy, fast foods and high sodium frozen foods. These foods do nothing good for you. Period. A high intake of refined carbs and sugars is associated with an increase in heart disease, weight, diabetes, and even some cancers. Processed foods should be a big no-no!

It’s hard to go cold turkey when it comes to processed foods. Sugar and salt are addictive and unfortunately everywhere. You may be used to grabbing for convenience, but try to get rid of one processed food every few days and stick to whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, chicken, fish, eggs and nuts. Your health and body will greatly thank you.  


In order to lose weight, you need to use more calories than you consume, either by decreasing your calorie intake or increasing your daily physical activity. Aim to decrease your calorie intake by about 500-1,000 calories a day. Being smart about the number of calories you take in and the types of foods you’re choosing is key. To count calories smartly and support your awareness of the foods going into your body, you can use an app, keep a food diary or even take pictures of your food throughout your day to keep good track of what you are consuming. Choosing a method of awareness can help you reduce your portion size and help you choose healthier foods = both help you lose weight.


Getting at least seven hours of sleep per night helps reduce hunger levels and protects against weight gain. Too little sleep can actually decrease levels of fullness hormones causing people to eat more calories and adding to their risk of obesity. Fewer than six hours of sleep is when people begin to see the negative effects of too little sleep and weight gain. Stop eating at least two hours before bed to allow your body time to digest after dinner. For more information on foods that help you sleep better check out my full haute blog article: https://www.karinaheinrich.com/haute-blog/2018/10/29/best-foods-for-best-sleep-ever


High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a method of exercise that alternates between intense bursts of physical activity followed by a brief period of recovery, making sure all the while to keep your heart rate up to boost fat burning. HIIT can burn more calories than other forms of exercise, which therefore increases your body’s ability to lose weight and burn fat. Aim for 20 minutes, three times per week.


Eating quickly or with many distractions can make it more difficult for your body to register signals of fullness. Eating more mindfully can help decrease hunger, increase feelings of fullness and help you experience more enjoyment of your foods. Chew mindfully and savor each bite. Slow down and actually pay attention to what is going into your mouth.