VIRTUAL or IN-PERSON U13-PRO ATHLETE: These HOURLY ATHLETE SESSIONS are tailored to both the professional athlete AND the teen athlete involved in the intense game of hockey that requires your body to perform at its peak.
The PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE (JUNIOR - PRO): These personalized sessions are an incredibly customized one-on-one comprehensive method to your sport, goals and lifestyle and greatly supports your high-calorie-burning-body. We make sure that your metabolism is humming, your digestive system is strong, body fat percentages are lean, muscle is gained and you have the needed energy to perform your game at optimal levels. The foods you feed yourself will make a significant and dramatic difference in your training and game-time performance and recovery. We create a customized health and wellness schedule and meal plan both off season and in season.
The STUDENT ATHLETE (U13+): The Karina Method® approach focuses on effective wellness, muscle growth, ideal weight and increased energy. These sessions are tailored to the teen athlete involved in the intense sport of hockey that requires your body to perform at its peak. The pre-puberty, puberty and post-puberty teen athlete requires very specific nutritional needs to better help each player reach their peak performance. We believe that proper nutrition is a vital element to an athlete’s stamina, recovery, and endurance both in practice and during intense play - especially during these important years of muscle growth. These calls are an incredibly customized one-on-one comprehensive method to your sport, goals and lifestyle and greatly supports your high-calorie-burning-body. We make sure that your metabolism is humming, your digestive system is strong, muscle is gained, body fat percentages are lean and you have the needed energy to perform your sport at optimal levels. The foods you feed yourself will make a significant and dramatic difference in your training and game-time performance. We create a customized health and wellness schedule and meal plan both off season and in season.